dental bonding201710

My Tooth Bonding Has Fallen Out

My Tooth Bonding Has Fallen Out

If your tooth bonding falls out, it is important to replace it as quickly as possible. Patients generally get tooth bonding because they crack or chip a tooth. This means that the tooth structure underneath is still damaged and susceptible to infection. You will experience discomfort if the bonding material eventually becomes loose and falls out of place. Replacing it immediately is the best option for preventing what can be a severe infection due to leaving the tooth exposed.

Fortunately, it is easy to replace bonding material. Patients need to visit us immediately to examine the tooth, take X-rays, clean the area, and place the bonding material. We can match the composite resin to the surrounding tooth structure to ensure that it blends in and no one can tell the tooth is not completely natural and healthy without a restoration.

What to do before coming in

If there is a delay between the bonding material falling off and a patient visiting our office, we recommend taking several steps to avoid the risk of infection and to improve comfort levels. First, it is necessary to find out where the bonding material went. If it is still in the mouth, spit it out and avoid swallowing it.

Next, patients need to rinse their mouth with warm salt water. Rinsing the mouth out is a natural way to stave off infection. To reduce any discomfort, one can take ibuprofen as long as it is according to the dosage requirements on the box. People need to avoid aspirin at all times since it can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during the dental appointment.

Finally, ice or a cold compress can help reduce swelling and increase comfort. We can numb the area for patients who are experiencing discomfort when they arrive or receive anesthesia as necessary, to dull the area and reduce the pain. By restoring the tooth quickly, it will be possible to become comfortable again.

Decide how to replace it

Once at our office, patients have an important decision to make. They can replace the old bonding material with new composite resin that matches the current shade of the teeth or replace it using a dental crown. Sometimes, a crown is preferable because it can last longer and is more durable. Since a crown surrounds the tooth entirely, it is less likely to be damaged or fall out of place.

This makes it an ideal solution for someone who is interested in long-term results. However, it can take several appointments for the crown to be completely placed which presents its own level of inconveniences. Tooth bonding, on the other hand, is something we can place in just one appointment, making it possible to visit our office and to leave with a completely-restored tooth.

Learn more about this option

To learn more about tooth bonding, call our office. If you have a dental emergency where it has fallen out of place, let us know so that we can get you in immediately and get to work replacing the bonding material.

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