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Preventative Dental Care Alpharetta, GA

At Healthy Smiles of Georgia, we provide preventative dental care for patients throughout the Alpharetta area and invite you to schedule a dental exam today. We know that if you have your teeth cleaned on a regular basis, you can decrease your risk of getting cavities or experiencing gum disease. Overall, taking the time to have your teeth cleaned can prevent general discomfort and even tooth loss. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, now is the time to schedule an exam so that you can prevent many common oral health issues that can negative impact your quality of life. We are experts at preventative dental care and will ensure that your appointment is a positive one and that you remain comfortable during your dental exam and treatments.

The Facts

We practice preventative dental care and are regularly asked why it is so important. Virtually everyone is at risk for tooth decay. Tooth decay is so common that it is the number one infectious disease among children in the United States.

Additionally, according to the NIH, 92 percent of adults ages 20 to 64, have had a cavity. With odds like these, the reason for having your teeth cleaned become fairly clear. Simultaneously, we know that there is a direct link between visiting the dentist regularly and maintaining your adult teeth as you age. A Gallup study found that in states like Connecticut, where 74 percent of the adult population visits the dentist regularly, complete adult tooth loss is very low – 10 percent. However, in states where people don’t visit the dentist regularly, like West Virginia, complete tooth loss is incredibly high (up to 37 percent). The facts paint a bleak picture for those that don’t visit the dentist on a regular basis. However, the good news is that you can prevent cavities and tooth loss by simply scheduling preventative dental care appointments. To get started call our office at (678) 762-0690. Our friendly team will be happy to schedule an appointment for a time that works with your job and family schedule so that you can receive the care that you need.

It’s Your Time

According to the Center for Disease Control, around 164 million work hours are missed every single year due to dental issues. If you don’t have time for the dentist, this should be cause for concern. Not taking an hour to have your teeth cleaned can cause you to become part of that statistic. If you have a demanding job or a busy life with the kids, you don’t have time to be preoccupied with a dental emergency or severe toothache. The only way to prevent one, however, is to brush and floss at home and to visit our office for preventative dental care. A regular dental exam and teeth cleaning takes an hour or less so you can complete it on your lunch break. At Healthy Smiles of Georgia, we will work within your schedule, making it easy for people throughout the 30004 area to schedule a dental appointment. We encourage you to take the time now so that you don’t have to spend more time dealing with an emergency later on.

Preventative Dental Care Can Save You Money

In addition to helping you avoid a nasty toothache and saving you time, preventative dental care can also save you money. At Healthy Smiles of Georgia, we can treat your tooth decay or infected tooth, regardless of how minor or severe the problem is. We prefer, however, to identify the problem quickly and before it has the chance to spread and cause you a great deal of discomfort. It is also important to note that if you have a small cavity, all that you will likely need is for the decayed portion to be removed. A filling can then restore the missing tooth structure. While the cost of every procedure depends on the extent of the work being done, a good rule of thumb is that a filling will cost around a third of what a crown will cost. If you are looking to save money, catching a cavity early, when all that’s needed is a filling, will provide a significant savings. Unfortunately, those that don’t receive regular dental care often wait until the discomfort is so severe that they can’t stand it any longer. By this point, the decay or infection is likely to be so severe that a crown will be necessary. Given the higher cost, you could have three fillings for the price of one crown. Therefore, preventative dental care makes financial sense.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Preventative Dental Care Alpharetta.

Deep Cleaning Can Prevent Tooth Loss

Another way that preventative dental care can save you money is in the realm of tooth loss. A leading causes of tooth loss among adults is gum disease. If plaque and bacteria are left on your gums and teeth, it can become trapped underneath the gum tissue. This can cause them to swell and bleed. During regular dental appointments, we can identify early signs of gum disease and perform a deep cleaning if necessary. Once the plaque and bacteria have been removed, your gums should return to good health. However, if gum disease is left untreated, your gums can start to recede, and pockets can be created in the gum tissue. This will expose your teeth to attack, bone, and tooth loss. At that point, you will be forced to either live with a missing tooth or replace it using dentures, a dental bridge or a dental implant. All of these solutions are effective and can restore your smile. They will, however, cost you significantly more money than what you would spend on a simple teeth cleaning and dental exam. The cost comparison is truly no comparison at all. If you are budget conscious, having your teeth regularly cleaned should, therefore, be a top priority. At Healthy Smiles of Georgia, we can work with you to create a plan for preventative dental care and address any current health issues that you have so that your dental work is affordable. If you live in the 30004 area, don’t delay in scheduling your dental exam. Call 678-762-0690 today.



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