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Healthy Eating Tips from a Dentist in Alpharetta

Healthy Eating Tips from a Dentist in Alpharetta

As a dentist in Alpharetta, one of the solutions we offer our patients is the ability to learn more about oral health on a regular basis. We educate our patients to help them to have a healthy mouth now and as they age. Adult tooth loss is still all too common, occurring from a lack of education and planning. We believe that by  talking to a patient about things they can do to improve oral health, including foods that they need to avoid, our patients will have a greater opportunity to maintain their natural teeth. With that in mind, here are some tips for healthy eating.

#1 Drink more water

While most people think about drinking water from the perspective of helping their skin to appear fresh or to maintain better health, it is also important for the health of your teeth. Your body needs water to produce saliva in order to naturally wash away the food particles and bacteria that end up on your teeth. If you do not produce enough saliva, you will suffer from a condition that is known as dry mouth. This is especially common with the elderly and those that take regular antibiotics.

Unfortunately, without enough saliva, these food particles will remain in your mouth throughout the day and increase the likelihood of you developing cavities or infection. By simply carrying a water bottle with you and drinking water throughout the day, you can improve your oral health.

#2  Avoid sugar and anything that is acidic

Most people are aware that it is important not to eat too much candy or other sugary items because it increases the chance of getting a cavity. This is certainly true. However, while you are avoiding sugar you need to also avoid anything that is highly acidic. Sour candy is at the top of the list for things to avoid because it is both sugary and acidic. Another item to avoid is soda. Any type of soda or cola products is going to be so acidic that it is more closely related to battery acid then to water. This means that the enamel on your teeth can begin to erode by simply drinking soda throughout the day. It doesn’t really matter which kind you try, it will have been proven to be acidic. It is critical that you take the time to protect your enamel. As a dentist in Alpharetta, we can also help you to do so and may recommend brushing with a fluoride toothpaste to combat any of the erosion that you have already suffered.

#3 Eat a balanced diet

We recommend that our patients eat a balanced diet as much as possible. This includes eating lean protein, nuts, dairy products, and plenty of vegetables. The more vegetables you eat, the more protein you eat, the healthier your body will be and the healthier your teeth will be.

For more healthy eating tips or to learn about other ways you can improve your oral health, call and schedule an appointment with our office to speak with a dentist in Alpharetta.

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