Teeth Whitening methods

whitening methods

Teeth Whitening methods: Choosing the Right way to Whiten and brighten the smile Whiter teeth enhance our smile and appearance. One’s teeth start to discolour due to simple ageing process or consumption of coloured foods, alcohol, smoking etc. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry options that help you in providing a […]

Rooting Root Canal Treatment


Rooting Root Canal Treatment Information: What You Need to Know So, your dentist has just let you know that you need a root canal treatment and now you’re going through everything you can find on the internet about root canal treatment. And if this is your first, your mind must be filled with tons of […]

Dental Implants – Procedure and Benefits


Missing teeth in your smile can make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious in front of people. You can lose your teeth while playing or due to an accident. Through advancements in dental technology, you can fix your teeth and get your confidence back. A dental implant is one such perfect option for tooth replacement. Dental […]

Family Dental Care: How to find a dentist for your family?

Blog FamilyDental HSG

Dental health is something which should not be taken for granted, for you and your family. Dental care is important both for you and your family. For this, you need to find a reputed, qualified and experienced family dentist who can take care of your family’s oral needs and give them healthy and strong teeth. […]

Sports Dentistry – What It is and Why It’s So Important

Sports Dentistry

Similarly to the healthcare system, there are a variety of specialties within dentistry. There are specialists who focus solely on providing root canals or oral surgery within their communities. Some dentists choose to specialize in gum health, while others want their primary focus to be on pediatric dentistry. There’s another specialty not many people know […]

Nutritional Counseling for Oral Health


Oral health partially hinges one’s willingness to clean his teeth on a regular basis. However, one’s nutrition and use of tobacco and/or alcohol also play a role in oral health. Oral health experts are on-hand to provide nutritional counseling for those who seek healthier teeth and gums. Dentists are Health Care Educators Most people think […]

What Happens During an Oral Cancer Screening?

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An oral cancer screening is a visual and physical examination of the oral cavity as well as connecting tissues. The purpose of the screening is to identify signs or issues that can lead to cancer. The screening can also reassure patients that there are no problems indicating the presence of oral cancer. Why Oral Cancer […]

My Tooth Bonding Has Fallen Out

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If your tooth bonding falls out, it is important to replace it as quickly as possible. Patients generally get tooth bonding because they crack or chip a tooth. This means that the tooth structure underneath is still damaged and susceptible to infection. You will experience discomfort if the bonding material eventually becomes loose and falls […]

Call Us if You Need a Dental Reconstruction Treatment


We offer dental reconstruction procedures for patients who damage their teeth in an accident, needing to restore functionality and appearance. We also provide preventative care with teeth cleanings and dental exams. Many patients never consider that they will be in a major accident or need restorative work as a result. People who take care of […]

Can You Get Your Dental Bonding Whitened?

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Many patients call Healthy Smiles of Georgia wanting to know if they can have their dental bonding whitened. This is an understandable question because bonding material can become stained just like natural enamel. Unfortunately, there is a chance that the bonding material and natural tooth will not stain at the same rate. More complicated than […]

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